
Frequently Asked Questions About Porcelain Veneers

Are dental veneers long-lasting?

A porcelain veneer requires the removal of a small portion of your tooth to make room for the restoration. In this sense, the treatment is permanent. The veneer itself isn’t permanent, so you need to do your best to take care of it. When you care for your veneers correctly, they can help maintain your beautiful smile for several decades. Part of keeping your porcelain veneers alive is caring for your oral health as a whole, because other dental problems can change the appearance of your restorations.

What do veneers look like?

You’ll want to know what your new teeth will look like before you sit down and have the procedure done. If you communicate with your cosmetic dentistry professional, you won’t be disappointed with the results. Before treatment, you will meet with your dentist to discuss the procedure. You and your dentist will agree on a shade that matches the color of your natural teeth, so no one will know the difference. Keep in mind that porcelain veneers aren’t susceptible to staining the way your natural teeth are. Try to stay away from staining agents like berries, wine, and coffee as well as cigarettes and other tobacco products.